Philip Nightingale

Marine Chemist
Environmental Science
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Professor Philip Nightingale is a Senior Marine Chemist at PML. His research is based around the identification and subsequent quantification of production and/or removal rates of gases in seawater and their transfer across the air-sea interface. He has worked extensively on the use of deliberate tracers (SF6, Helium-3, rhodamines and spores) to determine air-sea gas exchange rates (ASGAMAGE, DOGEE), in pioneering in-situ iron fertilisation experiments (IronEx1&2, EisenEx) and as Lagrangian tracers for studies of trace gas cycling and biogeochemistry (ACSOE, ICON) in coastal seas, upwelling areas and the open oceans. Phil has a 1st class BSc from the School of Chemical Sciences and a PhD from the School of Environmental Science both at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and has worked at PML since 1995. He was Head of science for the biogeochemistry science area, Cycling in the Sunlit Ocean, from 2010 - 2013. He has published over 55 ISI listed papers (H index 22, total citations ~3500) and a further 12 non-ISI listed but peer-reviewed papers. He has extensive experience in the analysis of dissolved gases and has participated in about 35 field experiments, including 2 as Chief Scientist. He has collaborated closely with colleagues from the USA (University of Hawaii, University of Miami, University of Washington, LDEO, Moss Landing), New Zealand and Europe (LODYC, KNMI , Kiel, Mainz, AWI, Bergen) as well as several universities in the UK, particularly UEA, Newcastle, Warwick and Southampton.

Research Intrest

Identification and subsequent quantification of production and removal rates of gases in seawater and their transfer across the air-sea interface.

List of Publications
Dixon JL, Beale R, Nightingale PD (2011) Microbial methanol uptake in the northeast Atlantic. ISME, 5:704-716.
Cox MJ, H Schaefer, PD Nightingale, IR McDonald, JC Murrell (2012) Diversity of methyl halide-degrading microorganisms in oceanic and coastal waters, FEMS Microbiol Lett, 334:111-118.
Boon A, JS Robinson, PD Nightingale, L Cardenas, DR Chadwick (2013) Determination of the gas diffusion coefficient of a peat grassland soil, Euro J Soil Sci, 64:681-687.