Pekka Leskinen

Bioeconomy Programme
Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC)


Prof. Dr. Leskinen holds a PhD in statistics (preference modelling with forestry applications). He has broad experience in the fields of sustainable use of natural resources, life cycle assessment and multi-criteria decision analysis. He has an extensive list of scientific publications and has also collaborated on various papers and research projects with EFI researchers. Previously he has worked as a Research Professor, Head of Group, Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production at the Finnish Environment Institute. He has also worked in the joint professor position of Finnish Environment Institute and University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences, and has had various research positions at the Finnish Forest Research Institute. In addition, he is a Docent in Decision Analysis Methods in Forest Planning at University of Eastern Finland.

Research Intrest

Bioeconomy Circular economy Sustainable use of natural resources Decision support Multi-criteria decision making Life cycle assessment

List of Publications
Seppälä, J., Leskinen, P. & Myllyviita, T. 2016. Expert panel weighting and aggregation of the sustainable society index (SSI) 2010 – a decision analysis approach. Sustainable Development, in print
Loiseau, E., Saikku, L., Antikainen, R., Droste, N., Hansjürgens, B., Pitkänen, K., Leskinen, P., Kuikman, P. & Thomsen, M. 2016. Green economy and related concept s: An overview. Journal of Cleaner Production 139: 361 - 371
Pitkänen, K., Antikainen, R., Droste, N., Loiseau, E., Saikku, L., Aissani, L., Hansjürgens, B., Kuikman, P.J., Leskinen, P. & Thomsen, M. 2016. What can be learned from practical cases of green econ omy? – studies from five European countries. Journal of Cleaner Production 139: 666 - 676.
Saikku, L., Tainio, P., Hilden, M., Antikainen, R., Leskinen, P. & Koskela, S. 2016. Diffusion of solar electricity in the network of private actors as a strategic experiment to mitigate clim ate change. Journal of Cleaner Production, i n print.
Kangas, J., Tikkanen, J., Leskinen, P., Kurttila, M. & Kajanus, M. 2016. Developing hybrid SWOT methodologies for choosing joint bioeconomy co - operation p riorities by three Finnish universities . Biofuels, in print