Pedro Quijon

Associate Professor
University of Prince Edward Island


Dr. Pedro moved to Biology-UPEI in September 2005, after doing postdoctoral research at the Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University (New Brunswick, New Jersey). Previously, he graduated with a Ph.D. in marine biology from Memorial University (St. John’s, Newfoundland) and with MSc (zoology) and BSc (biology) degrees from Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia-Chile).

Research Intrest

His research focuses on coastal habitats and their alteration by several sources of disturbance. His interest is in combining exploratory and experimental work, typically in the lab and the field, to test hypotheses with connotations to theory and management. 

List of Publications
Quijón PA, Tummon FP, Duarte C. Beyond negative perceptions: The role of some marine invasive species as trophic subsidies. Marine pollution bulletin. 2017 Mar 15;116(1-2):538.
Pickering TR, Poirier LA, Barrett TJ, McKenna S, Davidson J, Quijón PA. Non-indigenous predators threaten ecosystem engineers: Interactive effects of green crab and oyster size on American oyster mortality. Marine Environmental Research. 2017 Jun 30;127:24-31.
MacMillan MR, Duarte C, Quijón PA. Sandy beaches in a coastline vulnerable to erosion in Atlantic Canada: Macrobenthic community structure in relation to backshore and physical features. Journal of Sea Research. 2017 May 26.
Poirier LA, Symington LA, Davidson J, St-Hilaire S, Quijón PA. Exploring the decline of oyster beds in Atlantic Canada shorelines: potential effects of crab predation on American oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Helgoland Marine Research. 2017 Jul 1;71(1):13.

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