Paula A. Vignoni

National University of Cordoba


Paula A. Vignoni done his PhD in Geologist from National University of Cordoba, Argentina. He received many awards for his research work and scope of his interests are Geology, Geochemistry

Research Intrest

Geology, Geochemistry

List of Publications
Vignoni PA, Lecomte KL, Chaparro MA, Gargiulo JD, AE M. Hydrochemical, sedimentological, biological and magnetic characterization of lakes in James Ross Archipelago, Antarctica.
Lecomte KL, Vignoni PA, Córdoba FE, Chaparro MA, Chaparro MA, Kopalová K, Gargiulo JD, Lirio JM, Irurzun MA, Böhnel HN. Hydrological systems from the Antarctic Peninsula under climate change: James Ross archipelago as study case. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2016 Apr 1;75(7):623.