Paul M Kohn

Department of Psychology
York University
United States of America

Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Paul M Kohn is a contract professor in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health, at York University in Toronto. he has completed his PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard University. His research interest are combined effects of hassles, adaptive coping and social support on stress, mental health, physical health and contextual adjustment.

Research Intrest

combined effects of hassles, adaptive coping and social support on stress, mental health, physical health and contextual adjustment

List of Publications
Kohn P M,O Brien-Wood C, Pickering D I, Decicco TL (2003)The personal functioning inventory: A reliable and valid measure of adaptiveness in coping. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 35:111-23.
Hennessy D A, Wiesenthal D L, Kohn PM (2000) The influence of traffic congestion, daily hassles, and trait stress susceptibility on state driver stress: An interactive perspective. J Appl Biobehav Res5:162-79.
Sturman E D, Mongrain M, Kohn, P M (2006) Attributional style as a predictor of hopelessness depression. J Cogn Ther 20:447-58.