
Examining the effects of hurricanes on arthropods, amphibians and reptiles using long-term monitoring and a large-scale, experimental simulation of hurricane damage in 30×30 meter plots in the Luquillo Experimental Forest.

Research Intrest

Effects of introduced plant species on arthropods and their associated introduced predators (coqui frogs) in lowland moist tropical forests in Hawaii.

List of Publications
McDowell WH, Scatena FN, Waide RB, Brokaw N, Camilo G, Covich AP, Crowl TA, González G, Greathouse EA, Klawinski P, Lodge DJ. Geographic and ecological setting of the Luquillo Mountains.
Klawinski PD, Dalton B, Shiels AB. Coqui frog populations are negatively affected by canopy opening but not detritus deposition following an experimental hurricane in a tropical rainforest. Forest ecology and management. 2014 Nov 15;332:118-23.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry