
Patrick Legros studied in France and in the US and started his career at Cornell University. He is full professor of economics at the Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium and starting in 2016 will spend each Spring semester at the University of Northeastern as Distinguished Professor of Economics. He is a fellow of the research centre ECARES at SBSEM, and a fellow of CEPR. His research interests are in industrial organization, the theory of organizations, the theory of assortative matching in markets, information economics, and the design of education policies. He has been granted an ERC Advanced grant for developing an “Organizational Industrial Organization”. He is currently the managing editor of the Journal of Industrial Economics and a member of the European Advisory Group on Competition Policy at the European Commission.

Research Intrest

Economics, Social Science

List of Publications
Legros P, Newman A (2008) Competing for ownership. European Economic Association. 6: 1273-1308.
Ceulemans C, Ginsburgh V, Legros P (2011) Rock & Roll Bands, (In)complete Contracts, and Creativity. The American economic review 101: 217-221.
Legros P, Newman A (2013) A Price Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration. The quarterly journal of economics 128: 727-770.