Paola Quifer Rada

Nutrition and Bromatology
University of Barcelona

Professor Nutrition

Paola Quifer Rada is professor from Department of Nutrition and Bromatology at University of Barcelona. She is profound in Nutrition and Dietetics Nutritional Biochemistry Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome Food Chemistry Obesity Nutrition Functional Food

Research Intrest

 Nutrition Metabolism Human Nutrition Disease Prevention Nutritional Epidemiology Nutritional Science Nutrient Analysis Human Experimentation Food Chemistry Polyphenols Beer

List of Publications
Associations between Both Lignan and Yogurt Consumption and Cardiovascular Risk Parameters in an Elderly Population: Observations from a Cross-Sectional Approach in the PREDIMED Study
Is enzymatic hydrolysis a reliable analytical strategy to quantify glucuronidated and sulfated polyphenol metabolites in human fluids?
A discovery-driven approach to elucidate urinary metabolome changes after a regular and moderate consumption of beer and non-alcoholic beer in subjects at high cardiovascular risk