
Paola Conconi is a Professor of Economics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, a member of the European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES) and Research Associate of the Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS). She received a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Bologna, a M.A. in International Relations from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University, a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Warwick. Her main research interests are in international trade, firm organization, and political economy. She is a Research Fellow of the CEPR International Trade and Regional Economics Program and the Director of the CEPR Research Network on Global Value Chains, Trade and Development.

Research Intrest

Economics and Statistics

List of Publications
Conconi P, Perroni C (2002) Issue Linkage and Issue Tie-in in International Negotiations. Journal of International Economics 57: 423-447.
Conconi P (2003) Green Lobbies and Transboundary Pollution in Large Open Economies. Journal of International Economics 59: 399-422.
Conconi P, Perroni C (2009) Do Credible Domestic Institutions Promote Credible International Agreements? Journal of international economics 79: 160-170.