PAN Shilie

Vice Director
Physics & Chemistry
Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry

Professor Ophthalmology

Prof. Shilie Pan received his B.S in Chemistry from Zhengzhou University in 1996. He completed his Ph.D. under Prof. Yicheng Wu (Academician) at University of Science & Technology of China in 2002. From 2002.7-2004.11, he was a post-doctoral fellow at Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in the laboratory of Prof. Chuangtian Chen (Academician), From 2004.12-2007.5, he was a post-doctoral fellow at Northwestern University in the laboratory of Prof. Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier in USA. Since arriving at the Xinjiang Technical of Physics & Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007.6, Prof. Pan has received numerous awards and honors as follows:  National Ten Thousand Talents Project: 2016  Chinese Overseas Chinese Contribution Award: 2016  Zhu-Li-Yue-Hua Outstanding Teacher Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2015  Xinjiang Outstanding Contribution Award for the Excellent Experts: 2015  Liu Da Gang Outstanding Youth Science and Technology Award: 2015  National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars: 2014  Science and Technology Award of Xinjiang Province (First Class): 2014  Xinjiang Outstanding Figures of Overseas Chinese: 2014  National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Leading Talent: 2013  China Youth Science and Technology Award: 2013  Advanced Individual of Returned Overseas Chinese: 2013  Chinese Academy of Sciences Young Scientist Award: 2013  K. C. Wong Western Scholars Outstanding Contribution Award from Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2013  Science and Technology Award of Xinjiang Province (First Class): 2012  Fourth Chinese Overseas Chinese Contribution Award: 2012  Special allowance of the State Council: 2011  Xinjiang Youth Science and Technology Award: 2011  Science and Technology Award of Xinjiang Province (First Class): 2010  Excellent Graduate Advisor Award from Xinjiang: 2010  New Century National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project: 2009 Prof. Pan has received funding for the research from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 973 Program of China, Key Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Funds for Creative Cross and Cooperation Teams of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the High Technology Research and Development Program of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, Major Program of of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, the Xinjiang International Science and Technology Cooperation Program, Xinjiang Key Laboratory Foundation. Prof. Pan has published over 260 peer-reviewed papers, 3 authorized US patents, 46 authorized Chinese patents and has presented the research at conferences, institute and Universities and throughout China and world. Research in Prof. Pan's group involves the synthesis, crystal growth, crystal structure, properties characterization, structure-property relationships and devices in new optical-electronic functional materials.

Research Intrest

New nonlinear optical materials

List of Publications
A congruently melting and deep UV nonlinear optical material: Li3Cs2B5O10 Yun Yang,ab Shilie Pan,*a Xueling Hou,a Chuanyi Wang,a Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier,c Zhaohui Chen,ab Hongping Wuab and Zhongxiang Zhoua The article was received on 23 Sep 2010, accepted on 06 Dec 2010 and first published on 24 Jan 2011 Article type: Paper DOI: 10.1039/C0JM03187A Citation: J. Mater. Chem., 2011,21, 2890-2894