Ottavio Arancio

Department of Pathology & Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Neurology

Ottavio Arancio, is working as Professor with research interest which focussed on Pcellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie long-lasting changes of synaptic function in both normal, healthy brains and in the brains of those affected by neurological disorders, in particular Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Research Intrest

Neurological Disorder

List of Publications
Puzzo D, Piacentini R, Fá M, Gulisano W, Li Puma DD, Staniszewski A, et al.(2017)LTP and memory impairment caused by extracellular Aβ and Tau oligomers is APP-dependent.Elife 6:e2699
Manassero G, Guglielmotto M, Monteleone D, Vasciaveo V, Butenko O, et al(2017)Dual Mechanism of Toxicity for Extracellular Injection of Tau Oligomers versus Monomers in Human Tau Mice.J Alzheimers Dis 59:743-751.