Norman L. Dalsted

Agriculture and Resource Economics
Colorado State University
United States of America


Norman L. Dalsted is Professor in Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Colorado State University. He has done his MS in Fargo (Agri. Economics) from North Dakota State University (1972) and PhD in Fort Collins (Economics) from Colorado State University (1981) His major field of interests is: Farm and Ranch Management, Agricultural Finance, Agricultural Production Economics, and Regional Economics. He is member of Western Agricultural Economics Association American Agricultural Economics Association National Association of Farm Business Analysis Specialists Gamma Sigma Delta Sigma Xi "

Research Intrest

Norman L. Dalsted research interest includes: Costs of production related to crops, vegetables, fruit, and livestock throughout Colorado. Norman L. Dalsted have been involved in developing actual crop enterprise budgets for various crops to include wheat, corn, alfalfa, sugar beets, barley, dry beans, and corn silage on an annual basis since the1983 crop year. Livestock budgets including cow calf, sheep, and stocker/yearling budgets which are prepared less frequently but usually every 3-5 years. Dairy analysis has also become an important industry in Colorado and as such research related to annual operating costs and investment requirements of a dairy are developed periodically as the need arises.

List of Publications
Dalsted NL,Sampath L,Salman (2001) Input Optimization in the Production of Finisher Pigs in United States. Indian J Anim Sci 71: 995-997.
Dalsted NL (2001) Rural Supply Cooperative Capital Budgeting Decision Case: Feasibility Study of Auxiliary Enterprises for a Rural Supply Cooperative. Int Food Agribus Manage Rev 4: 197-204.
Meek MS, Whittier JC, Dalsted NL (1999) Estimation of Net Present Value of Beef Females of Various Ages and the Economic Sensitivity of Net Present Value to Changes in Production. The Professional Animal Scientist 15: 46-52.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture