Nobuyoshi Imura

Plant and soil science
Soil Water and Environmental Science


Nobuyoshi Imura has his career at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Chiba University. He has been engaged in development of synthetic aperture radar and development of radar satellite for about 40 years, and is pursuing consistent research and development of small SAR satellite, data processing technology and so on by integrating the knowledge and experience with the research achievements that Chiba University has done. Nobuyoshi Imura has his career at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Chiba University. He has been engaged in development of synthetic aperture radar and development of radar satellite for about 40 years, and is pursuing consistent research and development of small SAR satellite, data processing technology and so on by integrating the knowledge and experience with the research achievements that Chiba University has done.

Research Intrest

plant and soil scuence agriculutual actiities 

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture