Nicos Middleton

Associate Professor
Department of Nursing
Cyprus University of Technology

Professor Nursing

Nicos Middleton, BSc Statistics and Operational Research (UCL, 1997), MSc Health Care Decision Analysis (LSE and LSHTM, 1998) and PhD Epidemiology (University of Bristol, 2004) joined the Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Cyprus University of Technology in 2009 as Assistant Professor in Health Sciences Research Methodology and Biostatistics. Currently, he is Associate Professor (since Nov 2014), Head of Department and Director of Doctoral programme. He has served as member of the CUT Senate for two years and he is a member of the University Committee for Postgraduate Studies. Previous affiliations include the Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol (Lecturer in Medical Statistics, 2004-2005), the Harvard School of Public Health (postdoctoral research fellow, 2006-2008) and the Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health (visiting Lecturer, 2006-2008).

Research Intrest

His research interests fall within the sphere of chronic disease (e.g. asthma, cancer), mental health and geographical epidemiology, particularly with respect to population health inequalities and the social and physical environmental determinants of health.

List of Publications
N Middleton, D Gunnell, E Whitley, D Dorling, S Frankel(2001) Secular trends in antidepressant prescribing in the UK, 1975–1998. Journal of Public Health 23: 262-267.
D Gunnell, N Middleton, E Whitley, D Dorling, S Frankel (2003) Why are suicide rates rising in young men but falling in the elderly?—a time-series analysis of trends in England and Wales 1950–1998. Social science & medicine 57: 595-611.
Gabriel E, Middleton N, Evridiki, Merkouris A(2017) Mapping organizational culture in the hospital setting. Archives of Hellenic Medicine 34: 295-302.