NiCole Keith

Research Scientist
centre for aging research
Regenstrief Institute
United States of America


Dr. NiCole R. Keith is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Indiana University – Purdue University, Indianapolis and a Research Scientist in the Indiana University Center for Aging Research at Regenstrief Institute.

Research Intrest

Her research focuses on addressing health disparities through physical activity in disadvantaged communities and in minority populations through school and hospital-based partnerships.

List of Publications
Keith NR, Stump TE, Clark DO (2012) Developing a self-reported fitness survey. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc 44: 1388–1394
Keith NR, Clark DO, Stump TE, Miller DK, Callahan CM (2014) Validity and Reliability of the Self-Reported Physical Fitness (SRFit) Survey. J Phys Act Health 11:853-859.
Keith NR, Clark DO, Stump TE, Callahan CM (2014) Validity of Self-Reported Fitness Across Black and White Race, Gender, and Health Literacy Subgroups. Am J Health Promot 29:266-272.