Nicole Coombs

University of Ballarat

Professor Nursing

Nicole Coombs, is Lecturer speacilised in Nursing at the University of Ballarat. She attained RN, MN, Grad.Cert Ed (Tertiary) in progress, Cert IV WT&A. Her teaching areas are Health Promotion, determinants of health and clinical nursing.

Research Intrest

I am interested in Health promotion, health literacy and patient education in the emergency department. I would like to further develop my research into communication within the ED.

List of Publications
Porter, JE, Miller, N. Giannis, A. Coombs, N. (2016) Family Presence During Resuscitation (FPDR): Observational case studies of emergency personnel. International Emergency Nursing. 
Coombs, N.M., Porter, J.E. & Beauchamp, A. (2016) ED-HOME: Improving educator confidence and patient education in the Emergency Department. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. Elsevier Ltd. Vol 19(3), pp133-137