Nicole Coombs, is Lecturer speacilised in Nursing at the University of Ballarat. She attained RN, MN, Grad.Cert Ed (Tertiary) in progress, Cert IV WT&A. Her teaching areas are Health Promotion, determinants of health and clinical nursing.
Research Intrest
I am interested in Health promotion, health literacy and patient education in the emergency department. I would like to further develop my research into communication within the ED.
List of Publications
Porter, JE, Miller, N. Giannis, A. Coombs, N. (2016) Family Presence During Resuscitation (FPDR): Observational case studies of emergency personnel. International Emergency Nursing.Â
Coombs, N.M., Porter, J.E. & Beauchamp, A. (2016) ED-HOME: Improving educator confidence and patient education in the Emergency Department. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. Elsevier Ltd. Vol 19(3), pp133-137