Ng Jit Beng

Senior Lecturer
Department of Medicine
Penang Medical College

Professor Cardiology

Dr Ng studied Medicine in University College London. After completing his housemanship in the UK, Dr Ng went to Singapore to continue his training in Internal Medicine and Cardiology and returned to Penang in 2013 to lecture in PMC.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
"JB Ng, PP Goh, G Leong, SC Chai (2012)Presented at International Congress of Cardiology Hong Kong 24-26.
"JB Ng, VH Tan (2012) Presented at 24th Annual Scientific meeting of the Singapore Cardiac Society 28-29.
JB Ng, VH Tan (2012) Presented at the 17th World Congress on Heart Disease Annual Scientific Sessions in Toronto, Canada 27-30.