NG Ho Keung

Chair Professor
Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Pathology

H.K. Ng is Chair Professor (since 2000) at the Chinese of University of Hong Kong. His interests are in the molecular genetics of brain tumours, especially medulloblastoma and glioma. He was Department Chairman from 1999 to 2011. H.K. Ng is both a neuropathologist and a general pathologist. He is also Associate Dean (Education) of the Medical School of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (since 2004). He is an Associate Editor of Laboratory Investigation and is also on the Editorial Boards of Acta Neuropathologica, Brain Pathology, Journal of Clinical Pathology, Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, Clinical Neuropathology, Pathology and International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology. He is a member of the Consensus Group of the 2007 and 2016 WHO classification of the brain tumours. As an educationalist, H.K. Ng organizes the Bioethics curriculum in the medical school and was Chair of the Licentiate Examination of the Hong Kong Medical Council from 2002 to 2012. He is also a Council Member of The Association of Medical Education (ASME), UK. H.K. Ng was part of the team who received the 2nd Group Prize of The National Science and Technology Award of China in 2010. He received the International Academy of Pathology Gold Medal in 2006.

Research Intrest

Brain tumour pathology and molecular genetics of brain tumours

List of Publications
Hui AB, Takano H, Lo KW, Kuo WL, Lam CN, Tong CY, Chang Q, Gray JW, Ng HK. Identification of a novel homozygous deletion region at 6q23.1 in medulloblastomas using high-resolution array comparative genomic hybridization analysis. Clin Cancer Res. 2005; 11:4707-16
Cheng SH, Ng MH, Lau KM, Liu HS, Chan JC, Hui AB, Lo KW, Jiang H, Hou J, Chu RW, Wong WS, Chan NP, Ng HK. 4q loss is potentially an important genetic event in MM tumorigenesis : identification of a tumor suppressor gene regulated by promoter methylation at 4q13.3 platelet factor 4. Blood 2007; 109:2089-99
Pang JC, Kwok WK, Chen Z, Ng HK. Oncogenic role of microRNAs in brain tumors. Acta Neuropathol. 2009;117:599-611.
Li KK, Pang JC, Ching AK, Wong CK, Kong X, Wang Y, Zhou L, Chen Z, Ng HK. miR-124 is frequently down-regulated in medulloblastoma and is a negative regulator of SLC16A1. Hum Pathol. 2009;40:1234-43.
Yang T, Tsang KS, Poon WS, Ng HK. Neurotrophism of bone marrow stromal cells to embryonic stem cells: noncontact induction and transplantation to a mouse ischemic stroke model. Cell Transplant. 2009;18:391-404.
Lau KM, Chan QKY, Pang J, Li K, Yeung WW, Chung N, Lui PC, Tam YS, Li HM, Ng HK. Minichromosome maintenance proteins (MCM) 2, 3 and 7 in medulloblastoma : overexpression and involvements in regulation of cell migration and invasion. Oncogene, 2010;29:5475-89.
Pang JC, Li KK, Lau KM, Ng YL, Wong J, Chung NY, Li HM, Chui YL, Lui VW, Chen ZP, Chan DT, Poon WS, Wang Y, Mao Y, Zhou L, Ng HK. KIAA0495/PDAM is frequently downregulated in oligodendroglial tumors and its knockdown by siRNA induces cisplatin resistance in glioma cells. Brain Pathol. 2010;20:1021-32.
Lau KM, Chan QK, Pang JC, Ma FM, Li KK, Yeung WW, Cheng AS, Feng H, Chung NY, Li HM, Zhou L, Wang Y, Mao Y, Ng HK. Overexpression of HMGA1 deregulates tumor growth via cdc25A and alters migration/invasion through a cdc25A-independent pathway in medulloblastoma. Acta Neuropathol. 2012;123:553-71.