Nematollah Etemadi

Associate Professor
Department of Horticulture
Isfahan University of Technology

Professor Nutrition

 He is currently working as an Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture Isfahan University of  Technology . He holds his PhD in Horticulture (Ornamental Plants) from Tehran university, Karaj, Iran. He did his Masters  in Horticulture from Tehran university, Karaj, Iran.

Research Intrest

  Ornamental Plants

List of Publications
Phytoremediation effect and growth responses of Cynodon spp. and Agropyron desertorum in a Petroleum-Contaminated soil
Molecular and physiological responses of Iranian perennial ryegrass as affected by trinexapac ethyl, paclobutrazol and abscisic acid under drought stress
Physiological responses of two cool-season grass species to trinexapac-ethyl under traffic stress