Neil Gudmestad

North Dakota State University
United States of America

Professor Food and Nutrition

Dr. Neil C. Gudmestad is a University Distinguished Professor of Plant Pathology at North Dakota State University. He is a native of North Dakota and a graduate of NDSU (Ph.D., 1982). Dr. Gudmestad is a world­recognized authority on the biology and management of potato diseases. His 38 year research career has focused on pathogen biology and genetic diversity of a number of pathogens that cause foliar and soil-borne diseases of potato. His research laboratory is focused also on the development of molecular detection tools for potato pathogens and fungal mutations that convey resistance to fungicides. Most recently he has focused on invasive pathogens affecting the potato industry in the U.S. such as zebra chip and potato mop top virus. Dr. Gudmestad has received numerous recognitions throughout his research career and most recently he has received the highest honor from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, the 2014 Partnership Award that recognizes mission integration of research, education, and extension. He is a Fellow of the American Phytopathological Society, an Honorary Life Member of the Potato Association of America, and he has been awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the World Potato Congress for his contributions and dedication to the global potato industry. In 2014 the United States potato industry established a $6.3 million endowment in his name and he is the first recipient of the Neil C. Gudmestad Endowed Chair of Potato Pathology at NDSU.

Research Intrest

Genetic diversity of a number of pathogens that cause foliar and soil-borne diseases of potato. Development of molecular detection tools for potato pathogens and fungal mutations that convey resistance to fungicides. Invasive pathogens affecting the potato industry in the U.S. such as zebra chip and potato mop top virus.

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition