Naeem Ali

Associate Professor
Quaid-i-Azam University


Naeem Ali obtained his Ph.D. from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He currently holds as an Associate Professor in Department of Microbiology at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. His research interest follows Microbial Fuel Cell Technology and Production of 2nd Generation Bio-fuels,  Microbial Remediation of Polluted Soil and Water,  Microbial Community Interactions and Dynamics in presence of POPs in Soil and Water, Microbial Bio-synthesis and Application of Nanoparticles, Microbial production and extraction of value added products; pectin, rubber and bioactive metabolites.

Research Intrest

Microbial Fuel Cell Technology and Production of 2nd Generation Bio-fuels,  Microbial Remediation of Polluted Soil and Water,  Microbial Community Interactions and Dynamics in presence of POPs in Soil and Water, Microbial Bio-synthesis and Application of Nanoparticles, Microbial production and extraction of value added products; pectin, rubber and bioactive metabolites

List of Publications
Maliha Ahmed, Ramla Rehman, Aisha Siddique, Fariha Hasan, Naeem Ali, Abdul Hameed (2016) Production, purification and characterization of detergent stable halotolerant alkaline protease for eco-friendly application in detergents’ industry.International Journal of Biosciences. 8:47-65.
 Periphyton biofilms: A novel and natural biological system for the effective removal of sulphonated azo dye methyl orange by synergistic mechanism. Sadaf Shabbir, Muhammad Faheema, Naeem Ali, Philip G. Kerrc, Yonghong Wu. Chemosphere. Accepted 1 October 2016, Available online 8 October 2016. Volume 167, January 2017, Pages 236–246. 
Evaluating role of immobilized periphyton in bioremediation of azo dye amaranth. S Shabbir, M Faheem, N Ali, PG Kerr, Y Wu - Bioresource Technology, 2016. Volume 225, February 2017, Pages 395–401.