
Nadine Reitman,Geologist NORTHWEST REGION

Research Intrest

earthquakes fracture (geologic) remote sensing groundwater tectonic processes

List of Publications
Gold, R.D., Reitman, N.G., Briggs, R.W., Barnhart, W.D., and Hayes, G.P. (2015) On- and off-fault deformation associated with the September 2013 Mw7.7 Balochistan earthquake: implications for geologic slip rate measurements, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.08.019.
Reitman, N.G., Bennett, S.E.K., Gold, R.D.,Briggs, R.W., and DuRoss, C.B. (2015) High resolution trench photomosaics from image-based modeling: workflow and error analysis, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. doi: 10.1785/0120150041.