Mustafa Seaad

computer science
Cihan University Sulaimani

Professor Engineering

MSc. Software Engineering (83.46 %). September 2010- December 2012. University of Mosul Iraq. The degree of M.Sc. in software engineering grade (very good). Average mark is (83.46). The research name "The Automated Analysis of Source Code Complexity in Software", with grade (excellence). 2-BSc. Software Engineering (75.72%). October 2003- July 2007. University of Mosul Iraq. “Four years of undergraduate study in Software Engineering. This field focuses on the practices software development life cycle, modern software development approaches, database system, programming languages and web design with reasonable solutions to Software Engineering problems in the software market, The Research Name "Intrusion Detection System by Neural Network", With Grade (Excellence).”

Research Intrest

Web design, conducted by Computer and Internet Centre, University of Mosul. Machine Learning for Data Science, online, non-credit course, provided by Mr. David Valentine on Udemy.

List of Publications
- 2016-05 Type: Journal Title: Off-Line Arabic (Indian) Numbers Recognition Using Expert System;Publishing: (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications Coauthor(s):Fahad Layth Malallah; Maysoon M. Aziz.
2016-11 Type: Journal Title: Children Tracking System Using Fingerprint Verification; Publishing:(IJAR) International (Journal of Advanced Research Co-author(s): Fahad Layth Malallah, Fouad Saleem Tawfee;
2017-3 Type: Journal Title: Content-Based Image Retrieval by Multi-Features Extraction and KMeans Clustering; Publishing: (EEC) International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computers, Co-author(s): Fahad Layth Malallah, Zaid Ahmed Aljawaryy;

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