Muge Celik Orucu

Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Sciences - Guidance and Psychologi
TED University

Professor Psychiatry

 Getting secondary and high school education at TED Ankara College, Mrs. Müge ÇELÄ°K ÖRÜCÜ completed her undergraduate study at the Department of Psychology in the Middle East Technical University (METU) and further sought her Graduate Degree in the same department where she got the degree of Clinical Psychologist in year 1997. In the same year she started to work at a Special Education Centre for disabled children, after which she transferred to METU Medical Centre (MC), where together with presence of Psychiatrists and with her team, primarily performed individual psychotherapy and group therapy sessions while providing seminars for the students related to their needs and providing in-service training to personnel. To improve her skills in practise, she attended to internationally recognized certificates of contemporary approaches such as EMDR and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy.    With the data and know-how accumulation she gathered at the application field, continued her academic studies, focusing in the area of “Stress and Coping Skills of University Students”, while received and served a scholarship from “Turkish Academy of Sciences” (TUBA) to perform research as a Visiting Scholar at the Anxiety and Stress Disorders Clinic at the Ohio State University. In 2005 she got her Ph.D from METU Department of Educational Sciences in Psychological Counselling and Guidance program. Furthermore, she published articles in international journals and presented her findings and opinions via posters and presentations at national and international congresses.   During above years and until 2012, in addition to her field application, she completed the  Human Resources Management Certificate program in METU Continuous Education Center, got the responsibility of Human Resources Unit Manager of Medical Center where she also exercised her skills of search-selection-placement and performance management of MC personnel with coordination of Principal’s Office and University Management.

Research Intrest

Dr. Müge ÇELÄ°K ÖRÜCÜ main research interests are EMDR and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, Special Education for disabled children, coping, mindfulness, relationship between institutional integration and academic motivation.

List of Publications
Er S, Celik Orucu M (2014) Developing the perception of economic value in children. International Journal of Arts and Commerce 3:119-132.
Bugay A, Aşkar P, Tuna EM, Örücü MÇ, Çok F (2015) Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Version of the School Climate Questionnaire High School Form. Elementary Education Online 14: 311‐322.
Celik Orucu M, Bugay A, Tuna ME, Cok F, Askar F (2015) Psychometric Properties of Turkish Version of the Behavior Problems Scale for High School Students. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 16: 337-345