Ms Marjut Putkinen

Applied sciences
Turku University of Applied Sciences


Ms Marjut PutkinenMed., DeanPhone: +358 50 598 5484Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: Joukahaisenkatu 3, 20520 Turku, C-siipi; Ruiskatu 8, 20720 Turku; Ylhäistentie 2, 24130 SaloUnit: Health and Well-beingOffice: Ruiskatu 8, huone 169Substitute: Tanskanen, TimoCompetences: Executive Board, Management (matters and people), Education design, Pedagogical competence, Social and health service systems, Stakeholder group work, Teamwork, Well being at work, Cooperation with working lifeSecretary: Roini-Nissinen, Anne

Research Intrest

cation design, Pedagogical competence, Social and health service systems

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management