Mr Janne Roslöf

Applied sciences
Turku University of Applied Sciences


Mr Janne RoslöfD.Sc., Head of Education and ResearchPhone: +358 50 598 5438Email: [email protected]: Joukahaisenkatu 3, 20520 Turku, C-siipiUnit: Business, ICT and Chemical Engineering, ICTOffice: ICT C5089Substitute: Norström, AnneCompetences: Management (matters and people), Education design, Quality, Software development, Software production, Thesis supervision, Pedagogical competence, Project competence, Group supervision, community competence, Design competenceSecretary: Hurmerinta, Sari

Research Intrest

 Pedagogical competence, Project competence, Group supervision, community competence, Design competence

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management