Dr. Hayder joined Savannah State University in Fall 2011. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from McGill University, Canada. He then went to the University of Texas at El Paso and worked in the NASA Center for Space Exploration Technology Research (cSETR) under the Department of Mechanical Engineering until joining SSU. At SSU, Dr. Hayder teaches courses from both Engineering Technology and REPT programs which include courses in the fields of Thermo-Fluids, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Materials, Computer Graphics, Engineering Economy, and Quality Control. His research interest lies in the areas of fluid-structure interaction, flow-induced vibrations, syngas and blended fuel combustion, nanofluids, concentrating solar power technologies, and flow and structural simulations. His work has been published in the ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Fuel, and Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design. He has presented research papers in the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping, AIAA Fluid Dynamics, Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering, Flow-Induced Vibrations, and other national/international conferences. In addition to various institutional and student-oriented activities, Dr. Hayder is strongly involved in community and professional activities. Currently, he is a member of the Community Advisor Council of International Paper, Savannah. He holds the membership of ASME, ASEE, and AIAA.
Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Induced Vibrations, Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Combustion in Advanced Gas Turbines, Concentrating Solar Power Technology, Finite Element Analysis, Flow and Structural Simulations.