Mikhail Sergeyevich KRITSKY

Head of Laboratory
Laboratory of Evolutionary Biochemistry
AN Bach Institute of Biochemistry
Russian Federation

Professor Biochemistry

The laboratory’s activitys is supported by Presidium RAS Basic Research Program â„– 18 “Problems of Origin and Evolution of the Biosphere” and by grants obtained from Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Below follow main results obtained in laboratory during the last five years. Prebiotic models. A novel model for abiogenic formation of organics was developed. To mimick electrochemical processes in hydrothermal vents contacting sulfide minerals this model consisted of electrochemical cell equipped with pyrite cathode and placed into autoclave. A synthesis of formate from CO2 was demonstrated in this model. Coenzyme photochemistry and natural selection. The photochemical investigation of a series of pteridine coenzyme derivatives permitted to outline a complex of molecular properties, which have favored selection of a “dark metabolism” coenzyme 5,10-methenyl-tetrahydrofolate, for a role of light-harvesting antenna in photoreceptor proteins. Pteridine photoreceptors in organisms. The activity of flavoprotein WCC photoreceptor in cells of Neurospora crassa was shown to control methylation level of genome thus regulating a choice by the organism of sexual or asexual developmental pathway.

Research Intrest

The studies of the origin and evolution of metabolism is a priority interest of laboratory. Coenzyme photobiochemistry and evolution. This line of research is aimed to a design of the enzyme-free models of metabolic processes involving nucleotide and pteridine coenzymes (flavins and pterins). These ubiquitous cofactors of enzymes are evolutionary ancient molecules and a modeling of their abiotic synthesis and polymerization is an important aspect of the laboratory’s research. The main effort is focused to investigation of photochemical properties of coenzymes. Photoexcitation dramatically enhances catalytic activity of pteridine molecules and photochemical study of these molecules is a prerequisite for a design of prebiotic metabolism models. Besides, results of this study is used to develop new technologies of drug production. The design and photochemical investigation of prebiotic models is supplemented with analysis of function and evolution of modern photoreceptor proteins binding pteridine coenzymes as photosensors. This research is mainly focused on the flavoprotein photoreceptor WCC functioning in cells of fungus Neurospora crassa. Fungal cell and stress. The group headed by Professor Tatyana A. Belozerskaya investigates the influence of stressors such as light, starvation and ionizing radiation on the developmental processes in fungi differing in taxonomic position. The goal of this research is to elucidate a mediating role of reactive oxygen species in stress and its significance for growth and differentiation of mycelium as well as the function in fungal cell of the oxidative stress-protective mechanisms.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry