Mihai Horia Zaharia

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi

Professor Engineering

Mihai Horia Zaharia is currently working in Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi. His work is on Distributed systems, parallel computer architectures, computer networks security, design patterns, microcontroller, geographical information systems, distributed artificial intelligence, mobile computing, internet of things, earthquakes, psychology, organizational evaluation.

Research Intrest

His research interest is on Distributed systems, parallel computer architectures, computer networks security, design patterns, microcontroller, geographical information systems, distributed artificial intelligence, mobile computing, internet of things, earthquakes, psychology, organizational evaluation.

List of Publications
Zaharia, M, Leon F, Atanasiu G (2009) Increasing Awareness o Disasters by Knowledge Management with Intelligent Agents 1: 906-914.
Zaharia M.H, Hodorogea A , Atanasiu G.M et al. (2012) Automatic extraction of real organisational hierarchy using JADE, in Management Intelligent System 185-197.

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