Miguel Angel Valdeolmillos López

Principal Investigator
Developmental Neurobiology
The Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante


Degree: Medicina by Universidad de Valladolid, July 1980. Ph.D program: PhD thesis with Prof. Javier García-Sancho, Departamento de Fisiología y Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Valladolid. Doctorate in Medicine, Universidad de Valladolid 1982. Posdoctoral Positions: Research Associate at the Department of Physiology University College, London. 1982-1989 with Professor David Eisner. Grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, British Council and British Heart Fundation. Previous positions: MEC reincorporation research associate in the Department of Physiology, Universidad de Alicante. 1988-90. Profesor Titular at the Department of Physiology Universidad de Alicante (1990-97) and Universidad Miguel Hernandez (1997-2002). Current Position: Professor of Physiology, Universidad Miguel Hernandez since March 2002

Research Intrest

Research Fields: Role of Calcium signalling in the process of cell migration during neuronal development.

List of Publications
Eisner, D.A. , Valdeolmillos, M. " A study of intracellular calcium oscillations in sheep cardiac purkinje fibres measured at the single cell level. " J. Physiology . 372 , 539 - 556 ( 1986 ) Valdeolmillos, M. , O´Neil, S.C., Smith, G.L. & Eisner, D.A. " Calcium induced Calcium release activates contraction in intact cardiac cells. " Eur Journal of Physiology . 413 , 676 - 678 ( 1989 ) Valdeolmillos M. , Nadal A., Soria, B., Garcia-Sancho J. " Fluorescence digital image analysis of glucose-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations in mouse pancreatic islets of Langerhans. " Diabetes . 42 , 1210 - 1214 ( 1993 ) Soria JM. , Valdeolmillos M. " Receptor-activated calcium signals in tangentially migrating cortical cells. " Cerebral Cortex . 12 , 831 - 839 ( 2002 ) Moya, F. , Valdeolmillos, M. " Polarized increase of calcium and nucleokinesis in tangentially migrating neurons. " Cerebral Cortex . 14(6) , 610 - 618 ( 2004 )