Miguel Angel Tovar Reaños

Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Manageme
Zentrum fur Europaische Wirtschaftsforschung


iguel Angel studied economics and worked in the area of energy economics in Mexico City. He completed a master’s degree and a PhD in economics at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom. His PhD thesis is entitled "Sectorial analysis of policies to reduce energy demand and CO2 emissions in the UK". In September 2012 he joined the ZEW Research Department "Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management". 

Research Intrest

His research interests include applied microeconometrics, energy economics and public economics.

List of Publications
Reaños T, Angel M (2011) An integral evaluation of dieselisation policies for households' cars. Energy Policiy 39: 5228–5242.
Reaños T, Angel M (2012) The structure of energy efficiency investment in the UK households and its average monetary and environmental savings. Energy Policy Vol 50: 723–735.
Reaños T, Angel M, Iglesias EM (2013) Capital-Energy Relationships: An Analysis when Disaggregating by Industry and Different Types of Capital. The Energy Journal 34.