Michiaki Fukui

Department of Medicine
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine


Dr. Michiaki Fukui is working as Professor in Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. His research has included Endocrinology and Metabolism. He has authored 55 research articles.

Research Intrest

Endocrinology and Metabolism

List of Publications
Okada H, Hasegawa G, Tanaka M, Osaka T, Shiotsu Y, Narumiya H, Inoue M, Nakano K, Nakamura N, Fukui M. Association between Hemoglobin Concentration and the Progression or Development of Albuminuria in Diabetic Kidney Disease. PLoS One. 2015 May 29;10(5):e0129192.
Hiroya Iwase, Muhei Tanaka, Yukiko Kobayashi, Sayori Wada, Masashi Kuwahata, Yasuhiro Kido, Masahide Hamaguchi, Mai Asano, Masahiro Yamazaki, Goji Hasegawa, Naoto Nakamura, Michiaki Fukui. Lower vegetable protein intake and higher dietary acid load associated with lower carbohydrate intake are risk factors for metabolic syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes: Post-hoc analysis of a cross-sectional study. Journal of Diabetes Investigation. 2015 Jul; 6(4): 465-472.
Matsushita K, Hamaguchi M, Hashimoto M, Yamazaki M, Yamazaki T, Asai K, Yamori M, Bessho K, Toda H, Hasegawa G, Nakamura N, Fukui M. The novel association between red complex of oral microbe and body mass index in healthy Japanese: a population based cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. 2015 Sep;57(2):135-9.
Hashimoto Y, Tanaka M, Senmaru T, Okada H, Hamaguchi M, Asano M, Yamazaki M, Oda Y, Hasegawa G, Nakamura N, Fukui M. Heart rate-corrected QT interval is a novel risk marker for the progression of albuminuria in people with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Medicine. 2015 Sep;32(9):1221-6.