Michael Lipkowitz

Clinical Director
Nephrology and Hypertension Division
Georgetown University Medical Center

Professor Nephrology

Dr. Lipkowitz is the Clinical Director of the Nephrology and Hypertension Division. He is also the Program Director for the Georgetown Nephrology Fellowship.He chaired the Genetics Committee of AASK, and obtained ancillary funding to collect DNA from the AASK patients. His other NIH funded research has focused on genetics and proteomics of chronic kidney disease, and most recently has shown that the APOL1 gene is a potent predictor of progression in hypertensive nephropathy in African Americans.

Research Intrest

He has a strong interest in clinical and translational research, particularly as related to chronic kidney disease. He was an investigator in the NIH sponsored multicenter African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension (AASK) and he has published extensively on the progression and predictors of CKD.  Research at Georgetown will look further at the role of APOL1 in kidney disease to try to understand the mechanism of action of APOL1 in the kidney.