Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Carleton University


He  joined Carleton’s Department of Geography and Environmental Studies (DGES) in 1992 and was the DGES Chair from 2006-2012. His appointment as a Chancellor’s Professor in July 2014 was in recognition by his Carleton colleagues of the “outstanding merit with substantial international impact” of his long-term contributions to human dimensions of global environmental change. He was educated at Trent University (BSc in Geography in 1976), University of Guelph (MA in Geography in 1980) and the University of Waterloo (PhD in Geography in 1986). Prior to joining Carleton, Mike was a research scientist with Agriculture Canada.

Research Intrest

Human Dimensions of Environmental Change including Coupled Human-Environment Systems, Global Environmental Change and Human Security, Agricultural Adaptation to Environmental Change), Food Security Climatic Change Impacts and Adaptations Environmental Policy.