Menachem Klein

Political Studies
Bar Ilan University


"Prof. Klein studied Middle East and Islamic Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and in 1992-3 and 2001-2 was a fellow at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University. In 2006 he was a visiting professor in MIT, and in 2010 he is Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow in the European University Institute, Florence. In 2011 Prof. Klein was a visiting scholar in Leiden University, Holland, and in 2015 he is a Visiting Research Fellow in King's College London. In 2000 Prof. Klein was an adviser for Jerusalem Affairs and Israel-PLO Final Status Talks to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. S. Ben-Ami, and a member of advisory team operating in the office of Prime Minister Ehud Barak. He is Senior Fellow in Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue and board member of Palestine – Israel Journal. Previously he was board member of B’etselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories His book is Lives in Common – Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Hebron, Oxford University Press NY and C. Hurst London 2014 awarded by the New Republic as one of best 2014 non-fiction books. "

Research Intrest

Examining ideology in view of changing political realities and vice versa.