Melissa E. Pepling

Department of Biology
Syracuse University
United States of America

Professor Molecular Biology

Melissa E. Pepling is a professor in Department of Biology of Syracuse University, New York United States. She specializes in Cell & Developmental Biology.

Research Intrest

Regulation of mouse oocyte development; Hormone signaling in oocyte differentiation.

List of Publications
Jones RL, Pepling ME (2013) Kit Signaling is Involved in Murine Primordial Follicle Formation. Developmental Biology 382: 186-197.
Sivakumar KK, Stanley JA, Arosh JA, Pepling ME, Burghardt RC, et al. (2014) Prenatal exposure to chromium induces early reproductive senescence by increasing germ cell apoptosis and advancing germ cell cyst breakdown in the F1 offspring. Developmental biology 388: 22-34.