Melinda Harm Benson

Associate Professor
Geography & Environmental Studies
New Mexico State University


Melinda Harm Benson, Associate Professor Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Bandelier Hall West Room 223 MSC01 1110 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 FAX: 1-505-277-3614 Employment History Associate Professor, 2014-present Assistant Professor, 2008-2014 UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO, GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT; affiliated faculty with the College of Law, the Water Resources Program, and Sustainability Studies Lecturer and Research Scientist, 2004-08 UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING, HAUB SCHOOL AND RUCKELSHAUS INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Staff Attorney, 2002-04 WESTERN RESOURCE ADVOCATES Natural Resources Law Institute Fellow, 2001-02 LEWIS & CLARK LAW SCHOOL Staff Attorney, 1999-2001 LAND AND WATER FUND OF THE ROCKIES (now known as Advocates for the West) Law Clerk, 1998-99 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT State Affairs Director and Lobbyist, 1992-95 IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE Educational History: J.D., UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO COLLEGE OF LAW, 1998 Summa Cum Laude Law Review Comment: “Was the Lorax an Outfitter and Guide? A Shift in Idaho’s Standing Doctrine: Boundary Backpackers v. Boundary County and Selkirk-Priest Basin Ass’n v. State.” Idaho Law Review 32: 127-157. Advisor: Dale Goble. M.S., UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING, COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, 2011 Community Counseling Plan II project topic and publication: “Are We Addicted to Oil? Lessons from Mental Health.” Southwestern Geographer14: 121-136. Advisor: Michael Morgan B.A., UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 1991 Magna Cum Laude Benson---2 Major: Political Science Minor: Philosophy Honors thesis: Consensus Decision-making in the Public Realm: a Practical and Theoretical Consideration of Plurality. Advisor: Deborah Baumgold. Professional Recognition Honors, etc. Daniel B. Luten Award, Award for Best Paper, Association of American Geography Energy and Environment Specialty Group, 2011 Selection, Editorial Board, Idaho Law Review, 1997-98 George Warren Scholar, University of Idaho, 1995-98 Harry S. Truman Scholar, Truman Scholarship Foundation, 1988 Century III Leadership Scholar, Shell Oil Company, 1987

Research Intrest

Environment and natural resource management; Adaptive management; Social/ecological systems

List of Publications
Benson, M.H. (2010). “Adaptive Management Approaches by Resource Management Agencies in the United States: Implications for Energy Development in the Interior West.” Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 28 (1) 87-118.
Roybal, M. A. and M.H. Benson (2012). “Opportunities for Building Social-Ecological Resilience in New Mexico Forest Communities.” Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 4(4), 253-269.
Craig, R.K. and M.H. Benson (2013). “Replacing Sustainability.” Akron Law Review 46: 841-880.
Cosens, B.; Gunderson, L.; Allen, C.; Benson, M.H. (2014). “Identifying Legal, Ecological and Governance Obstacles, and Opportunities for Adapting to Climate Change.” Sustainability 6: 2338-2356.
Benson, M.H. and R.K. Craig (2014). “The End of Sustainability,” Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal;