Melanie Austen

Head of Science
Environmental Science
Plymouth University
United Kingdom


Professor Melanie Austen is Head of Science at PML leading the Sea and Society area of science. She has recently completed a 3 year term as the Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK's Marine Management Organisation. In PML, Mel leads a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary research projects from the socio-economics of marine ecosystems and their services through to environment and human health, and marine biodiscovery. Mel has led and participated in several EU projects including the scientific co-ordinator of the interdisciplinary EU FP7 project VECTORS - Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors.

Research Intrest

Links between marine biodiversity, ecosystem function and ecosystem services and the socio-economic value of the services; natural and human impacts on provision of marine ecosystem goods and services and their socio-economic values; impact of renewable energy, aquaculture and fishing on marine ecosystem processes.

List of Publications
Austen MC, Broszeit S2, Pilling GM3, Grant SM4, Murphy EJ, et al. (2016). Valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services: a useful way to manage and conserve marine resources. Proc Biol Sci, 14: 283.
Rees SE, Rodwell LD, Attrill MJ, Austen MC, Mangi SC. (2010). The value of marine biodiversity to the leisure and recreation industry and its application to marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 34, 868-875
D G Jones, S E Beaubien, Austen MC, E M Foekema, J Lions, et al, (2015). Developments since 2005 in understanding potential environmental impacts of CO2 leakage from geological storage. Int J of Greenhouse Gas Control, 40: 350-377.