Head of Science
Environmental Science
Plymouth University
United Kingdom
Professor Melanie Austen is Head of Science at PML leading the Sea and Society area of science. She has recently completed a 3 year term as the Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK's Marine Management Organisation. In PML, Mel leads a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary research projects from the socio-economics of marine ecosystems and their services through to environment and human health, and marine biodiscovery. Mel has led and participated in several EU projects including the scientific co-ordinator of the interdisciplinary EU FP7 project VECTORS - Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors.
Links between marine biodiversity, ecosystem function and ecosystem services and the socio-economic value of the services; natural and human impacts on provision of marine ecosystem goods and services and their socio-economic values; impact of renewable energy, aquaculture and fishing on marine ecosystem processes.