Electrical Engineering
National Dong Hwa University
Mei-Juan Chen received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, in 1991, 1993, and 1997, respectively. She was an assistant professor (1997-2000) and an associate professor (2000-2005) in the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Dong-Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan. Since August 2005, she has been a professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Dong-Hwa University. She also served as the chair of her department from 2005-2006. Her research topics include image/video processing, video compression, motion estimation, error concealment and video transcoding. Dr. Chen received the Dragon Paper Awards in 1993 and 1997 and the Xerox Paper Award in 1993. She was also the recipient of 2005 K.T. Li Young Researcher Award from ACM Taipei/Taiwan Chapter for her contribution on video signal codec technique. This award is given annually to only one person under the age of 36, conducting research in Taiwan. In 2006, she received the Distinguished Young Engineer Award from the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Taiwan. In 2006, she also received the Excellent Master Thesis Supervision Award from Institute of Information and Computer Machinery. Since August 2008, she serves as associate editor for EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing.
Video Image Processing