Mazhar Iqbal Zafar

Assistant Professor
Environmental Sciences
Quaid-i-Azam University


Mazhar Iqbal obtained his Ph.D. from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) The Netherlands. He currently holds as an Assistance Professor in Department of Environmental Sciences at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad.

Research Intrest

Environmental Risk 

List of Publications
R.P.A. van Wijngaarden., J.D.M. Belgers, M.I. Zafar, A. Master, M.C.   Boerwinkle and  G.H.P. Arts. 2014.Chronic Aquatic Effect Assessment for the Fungicide Azoxystrobin. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(12): 2775-2785.
Zafar M.I., J.D.M. Belgers, R.P.A. van Wijngaarden, A. Master and P.J. van den Brink. 2012. Ecological impacts of time-variable exposure regimes to the fungicide azoxystrobin on freshwater communities in outdoor microcosms. Ecotoxicology 21(4): 1024-1038.
Zafar M.I., R.P.A. van Wijngaarden, I. Roessink and P.J. van den Brink.2011. Effects of time-variable exposure regimes of the insecticide chlorpyrifos on freshwater invertebrate communities in microcosms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(6): 1383-1394.