Mauricio Barría P

Universidad de Chile

Professor Pediatrics

Mauricio Barría P is currently a professor of medicine in Universidad Austral de Chile.He received many awards;First Place Dr. Alfredo Commentz Loeffler; for the best research presented at the 56 Chilean Congress of Pediatrics;Third Place Dr. Eugenio Cienfuegos Bravo ;Chilean Society of Pediatrics; for the best paper published in Revista Chilena de Pediatria in 2012.

Research Intrest

Breastfeeding,Environmental Health,Epidemiologic Studies,Epidemiology,Epidemiology and Public Health,Evidence Based Practice,Indoor Air Pollution,Indoor Air Quality,Maternal & Child Health,Neonatology,Pediatrics,Public Health,Qualitative Research,Statistical Software

List of Publications
Barría RM, Calvo M, Pino P. Intradomiciliary contamination by fine particulate matter (MP 2, 5) in newborn homes. Chilean journal of pediatrics. 2016 Oct 31; 87 (5): 343-50.
Barría RM. Indoor Air Pollution by Particulate Matter from Wood Fuel: An Unresolved Problem. Environ Pollut Climate Change. 2016;1(104):2.
Vera Choloux M, Luengo S, Gainza Aragonés P, Barría Pailaquilén RM, Cabezas Cuevas C. Aplicabilidad del modelo electroquímico al inicio de la caries dental: estudio in vitro. Avances en Odontoestomatología. 2016 Dec;32(6):301-8.
Velásquez Sáez C, Salinas Villanueva I, Godoy Martínez P, Muñoz Martínez H, Barría Pailaquilén RM. Streptococcus mutans saliva count in children aged 6 to 12 years with and without chromogenic staining. Advances in Odontoestomatology. 2017 Apr; 33 (2): 77-85.
Barría M. The gap remains: The challenge of translating research into policies for the health care of people and communities. Investigación y Educación en Enfermería. 2017 Jun 14;35(2).