Matthew H Andersen

Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
United States of America

Professor Anesthesiology

Physicians and scientists on the faculty of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai often interact with pharmaceutical, device and biotechnology companies to improve patient care, develop new therapies and achieve scientific breakthroughs. In order to promote an ethical and transparent environment for conducting research, providing clinical care and teaching, Mount Sinai requires that salaried faculty inform the School of their relationships with such companies.

Research Intrest

Anesthesiology medicine Analgesic medicines

List of Publications
Ammash NM, Connolly HM, Abel MD etal (1999) Noncardiac surgery in Eisenmenger syndrome. J Am Coll Cardiol 33 :222–227.
Schmieder R, Edwards R (2011) Quality control and preprocessing of metagenomic datasets. Bioinforma Oxf Engl.27: 863–864.
Van Boheemen S, de Graaf M, Lauber C, Bestebroer TM, Raj VS etal (2012) Genomic characterization of a newly discovered coronavirus associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome in humans. mBio VOL:3
McMullan LK, Folk SM, Kelly AJ, MacNeil A, Goldsmith CS, etal (2012) A new phlebovirus associated with severe febrile illness in Missouri. N Engl J Med.367: 834–841.
Koboldt DC, Steinberg KM, Larson DE, Wilson RK, Mardis ER (2013) The next-generation sequencing revolution and its impact on genomics Cell 155: 27–38.
Stremlau MH, Andersen KG, Folarin OA, Grove JN, Odia I, Ehiane PE, etal (2015) Discovery of Novel Rhabdoviruses in the Blood of Healthy Individuals from West Africa. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9: e0003631.