Marva I. Sweeney-Nixon

Chair Person for Department of Biology & Professor
University of Prince Edward Island

Professor Food and Nutrition

Dr Sweeney moved to UPEI in August 1997, after a short stint as an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Physiology, University of Saskatchewan, and Principal Investigator in the Saskatchewan Stroke Research Center, Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon.  Previously, she completed a Ph. D. in Pharmacology at Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS), and an MRC-funded  post-doctoral research fellowship at the University of London (St. George’s Hospital and Royal Free Hospital Schools of Medicine, UK).

Research Intrest

Dr Sweeney is a member of the Atlantic Canada Network on Bioactive Compounds (ACNBC; Team lead, Blueberry Research Project) and holds a 3 year Research Professorship in Nutrisciences and Health from the Louis Levesque Foundation (2005-2008). She studies health effects of bioactives from Vaccinium species (blueberries and cranberries) or other foods (e.g. pomegranate).

List of Publications
Sweeney-Nixon MI. Pomegranate juice consumption reduces simulated ischemic stroke damage and increases brain antioxidant status in rats. Pomegranates. 2006:91-106.
Sweeney M, Shaughnessy K, Gottschall-Pass K. Blueberry diets delay the onset of hypertension and reduce insulin resistance in spontaneously hypertensive stroke prone rats. The FASEB Journal. 2007 Apr 1;21(6):A1092-.
Shaughnessy K, Sweeney M, Neto C. Investigation of the effects of cranberry fractions on atherosclerosis in mice. The FASEB Journal. 2007 Apr 1;21(6):A1092-3.
Gottschall-Pass K, Wark M, Yeung H, Pass E, Purcell S, MacPhee R, Sweeney M. Blueberry supplementation lowers iNOS but not COX-2 expression in LPS challenged rats. The FASEB Journal. 2007 Apr 1;21(5):A367.

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition