Mark Edward Anderson

Medicine - Cardiology
Johns Hopkins Medicine
United States of America

Professor Cardiology

Mark Anderson is the William Osler Professor of Medicine, the director of the Department of Medicine in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and physician-in-chief of The Johns Hopkins Hospital. A 1981 honors graduate in biology from Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, Dr. Anderson received his Ph.D. in physiology and his M.D. from the University of Minnesota. He then completed his internal medicine residency and fellowships in cardiology and clinical cardiac electrophysiology at Stanford before joining the faculty at Vanderbilt in 1996. In October 2005, he moved to the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and in 2009 was named chairman and department executive officer of internal medicine. In 2012, he became director of the Cardiovascular Research Center. An outstanding scientist, teacher and caregiver, Dr. Anderson has focused his research on the role of the protein CaMKII (Ca2+/calmodulin dependent kinase II) in heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias, a cause of sudden cardiac death. He has published more than 160 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and book reviews, and has been an invited speaker throughout the United States and in more than a dozen nations.

Research Intrest

Cardiovascular Disease

List of Publications
Hund, TJ, Snyder JS, Xiangqiong W, Glynn P, Koval OM, Onal B, Leymaster ND, Unudurthi SD, Curran J, Camardo C, Wright PJ, Binkley PF, Anderson ME, Mohler PJ. βIV-spectrin regulates TREK-1 membrane targeting in heart. Cardiovas Res 2014 Apr 1; 102(1): 166-175.
Zhang C, Chen B, Guo A, Zhu Y, Miller J, Gao S, Yuan C, Kutschke W, Zimmerman K, Weiss RM, Wehrens XH, Hong J, Johnson F, Santana L, Anderson ME, Song LS. Microtuble-mediated defects in junctophilin-2 trafficking contribute to myocyte T-tubule remodeling and Ca2+ handling dysfunction in heart failure. Circulation 2014 Apr 29;129(17): 1742-50.
Hall DD, Wu Y, Domann FE, Spitz DR, Anderson ME. Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter Activity is Dispensable for MDA-MB-231 Breast Carcinoma Cell Survival. PLoS One 2014 May 6; 9(5):e96866.
Jaffer O, Zabner J, Grumbach IM, Anderson ME. Mitochondiral-targeted antioxidant therapy decreases TGFb Mediated Collagen production in a murine asthma model." Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2014 Jul 2.
Chakraborty A, Pasek DA, Huang TQ, Gomez SAC, Yamaguchi N, Anderson ME, Meissner GW. Inhibition of CaMKII does not attenuate cardiac hypertrophy in mice with dysfunctional ryanodine receptor. PLoS One 2014 Aug 5; 9(8):e104338.