Marje Prank

Research scientist
Finnish Meteorological Institute


Dr. Marje Prank is currently working as a Research scientist in the Department of Atmospheric composition research, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Atmospheric Composition Research, P.O.Box 503 FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland. He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Marje Prank is the member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He has authored of many research articles/books related to Atmospheric composition modelling, pollen dispersion modelling.

Research Intrest

His research interests includes Atmospheric composition modelling, pollen dispersion modelling.

List of Publications
Solazzo E, Bianconi R, Pirovano G, Moran M.D, Vautard R, Hogrefe C, Appel K.W, Matthias V, Grossi P, Bessagnet B, Brandt J, Chemel C, Christensen J.H, Forkel R, Francis X.V, Hansen A.B, McKeen S, Nopmongcol U, Prank M, Sartelet K.N, Segers A, Silver J.D, Yarwood G, Werhahn J, Zhang J, Rao S.T, Galmarini S Evaluating the capability of regional-scale air quality models to capture the vertical distribution of pollutants GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT Vol. 6 p. 791-818.
Prank M, Chapman D, Bullock J, Belmonte J, Berger U, Dahl A, Jäger S, Kovtunenko I, Magyar D, Niemelä S, Rantio-Lehtimäki A, Rodinkova V, Sauliene I, Severova E, Sikoparija B, Sofiev M An operational model for forecasting ragweed pollen release and dispersion in Europe Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volumes 182-183, 15 December 2013, Pages 43-53.
Galan C, Antunes C, Brandao R, Torres C, Garcia-Mozo H, Caeiro E, Ferro R, Prank M, Sofiev M, Albertini R, Berger U, Cecchi L, Celenk S, Grewling L, Jackowiak B, Jaeger S, Kennedy R, Rantio-Lehtimaki A, Reese G, Sauliene I, Smith M, Thibaudon M, Weber B, Weichenmeier I, Pusch G, Buters J.T, Grp H.W Airborne olive pollen counts are not representative of exposure to the major olive allergen Ole e 1 ALLERGY Vol. 68 p. 809-812.