Maria Beatriz de Abreu Gloria

Faculty of Pharmacy of UFMG
Departamento de Alimentos
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Professor Food and Nutrition

graduate at ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (1978), master's at Science and Technology of the Food from Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos (1982) and ph.d. at Ciência de Alimentos from Michigan State University (1987). Has experience in Science and Technology of the Food, focusing on Chemistry,Physics,Chemical-physics,Biochemistry of Food and Alimentary Raw materials, acting on the following subjects: aminas bioativas, qualidade, café, poliaminas and histamina.

Research Intrest

Polyamines in growth and health, Chemical and biochemical changes in food, Natural and synthetic dyes, Bioactive Amines and Health, Bioactive Amines and Food Quality,

List of Publications
TETTE, PATRÍCIA AS; GUIDI, LETÍCIA R.; BASTOS, ESTHER MAF; FERNANDES, CHRISTIAN; GLORIA, MARIA BEATRIZ A .. Synephrine - A potential biomarker for orange honey authenticity. FOOD CHEMISTRY , v. 229, p. 527-533, 2017.
GUIDI, LETÍCIA R.; TETTE, PATRÍCIA AS; FERNANDES, CHRISTIAN; SILVA, LUIZA HM; GLORIA, MARIA BEATRIZ A .. Advances on the chromatographic determination of amphenicols in food. TALANTA , v. 162, p. 324-338, 2017.
Guidi, Letícia Rocha ; SANTOS, FLÁVIO ALVES; RIBEIRO, ANA CLÁUDIA SR; FERNANDES, CHRISTIAN; SILVA, LUIZA HM; GLORIA, MARIA BEATRIZ A .. A simple, fast and sensitive screening LC-ESI-MS / MS method for antibiotics in fish. TALANTA , v. 163, p. 85-93, 2017.
DO CARMO BRITO, BRENDA DE NAZARÉ; Page 2 DA SILVA PENA, ROSINELSON; ABREU GLORIA, MARIA BEATRIZ ; SANTOS LOPES, ALESSANDRA. Bioactive amines and phenolic compounds in cocoa beans are affected by fermentation. FOOD CHEMISTRY , v. 228, p. 484-490, 2017.

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition