
He holds a degree in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (1995), a Master's degree in Food Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1998), a PhD in Food Technology from the State University of Campinas (2002). She is currently an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Food of the Faculty of Pharmacy of UFMG. He is a member of the Bank of Evaluators of the National System of Evaluation of Higher Education (MEC). He has experience in Food Science and Technology, working mainly on the following topics: polymer technology, modified starch, packaging, functional foods and special purposes

Research Intrest

Bakery Technology, Technology and Product Development, Biotechnological Processes, Product Development and Processes, Food Chemistry and Biochemistry

List of Publications
MONTEIRO, MAM; RAMOS, CGC; RIBEIRO, R. de C.; GARCIA, MAVT . Working conditions in commercial restaurants of a public educational institution .. The World of Health (CUSC. Printed), V. 38, p. XX, 2014.
MONTEIRO, MAM; RIBEIRO, R. de C.; GARCIA, MAVT . Sensory evaluation of ice cream commercial brands. Food Hygiene, V. 29, p. 142, 2015.
TEIXEIRA, NATALIA DE CARVALHO; ROCHA, MARIA CLARA; AMORIM, ALINE CRISTINA PINHEIRO; SOARES, THAYANA OLIVEIRA; MONTEIRO, MARLENE AZEVEDO MAGALHÃES; DE MENEZES, CÍCERO BESERRA; SCHAFFERT, ROBERT EUGENE; QUEIROZ, VALÉRIA APARECIDA VIEIRA; GARCIA, MARIA APARECIDA VIEIRA TEIXEIRA ; However, Resistant starch content among several sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes and the effect of heat treatment on resistant starch retention in two genotypes. Food Chemistry , v. 197, p. 291-296, 2015.
MONTEIRO, MAM; MONTEIRO, AJA; COSTA, EMV; GARCIA, MAVT . Classification of rice (Orysa sativa L.) used in restaurants in the municipality of Belo Horizonte-MG. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (Online), V. 19, p. XX, 2016.

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition