Marcos Antonio de Morais

Molecular biology and Bioinformatics
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Professor Genetics

Marcos Antonio de Morais graduated in Bachelor of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Pernambuco, PhD in Biological Sciences / Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and post-doctorate in Industrial Microbiology from the University of Technology in Delft, Netherlands. Full Professor of the Genetics Department of the Federal University of Pernambuco and leader of the research group on molecular biology and metabolic engineering at UFPE. Member of the coordinating committee of the innovation network Bioethanol SIBRATEC program / FINEP / MCT and coordinator of the research network into bioethanol Pernambuco (CNPq-FACEPE / PRONEM).

Research Intrest

Biochemistry, with emphasis on Molecular Biology and Genetics of microorganisms, mainly in the following topics: genetics of yeast, bacteria genetics, fermentation.

List of Publications
Elsztein C, de Lima RD, de Barros Pita W, de Morais MA. NCW2, a Gene Involved in the Tolerance to Polyhexamethylene Biguanide (PHMB), May Help in the Organisation of β-1, 3-Glucan Structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Wall. Current microbiology. 2016 Sep 1;73(3):341-5.
Silva TC, Leite FC, De Morais MA. Distribution of Dekkera bruxellensis in a sugarcane‐based fuel ethanol fermentation plant. Letters in applied microbiology. 2016 Apr 1;62(4):354-8.
Sehnem NT, Hickert LR, da Cunha-Pereira F, de Morais MA, Ayub MA. Bioconversion of soybean and rice hull hydrolysates into ethanol and xylitol by furaldehyde-tolerant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Wickerhamomyces anomalus, and their cofermentations. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 2017 Jun 1;7(2):199-206.
Sena LM, Morais CG, Lopes MR, Santos RO, Uetanabaro AP, Morais PB, Vital MJ, de Morais MA, Lachance MA, Rosa CA. d-Xylose fermentation, xylitol production and xylanase activities by seven new species of Sugiyamaella. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2017 Jan 1;110(1):53-67.