
Becht teaches Master courses on corporate governance, corporate restructuring, financial systems and the economic analysis of law at the ULB. In 2003 and 2012, he was Visiting Professor and Fellow at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, in 2008 Max Schmidheiny Visiting Professor for Entrepreneurship and Risk at the University of St. Gallen and in 2011 Visiting Professor at Stanford Law School and a Visiting Fellow at the Rock Center for Corporate Governance. His research currently focuses on law and finance, with particular emphasis on corporate governance. Becht is a Founder Member, a Fellow and the Executive Director of the European Corporate Governance Institute (, an international non-profit scientitic association that has close ties with the Goldschmidt Chair at the Solvay Brussels School. Beyond his core academic activities Becht is a member of the Belgian Corporate Governance Commission, the Group of Financial Market Law Experts of the German Ministry of Finance and a Senior Adviser to Oxera, the Economic Consultancy.

Research Intrest

His research currently focuses on law and finance, with particular emphasis on corporate governance

List of Publications
Becht M, Mayer C, & Wagner HF (2008) Where do firms incorporate?: Deregulation and the cost of entry. Journal of Corporate Finance 14: 241-256.
Becht M, Franks JR, Mayer C, Rossi S (2010 ) Returns to shareholder activism: Evidence from a clinical study of the hermes UK focus fund. The Review of financial studies 23: 3093-3129.
Becht M, Bolton P Roell A (2011) Why Bank Governance is Different. Oxford review of economic policy 27: 437-463