Laboratory of Entomology
Wageningen University
Ph.D. (with honour) at Wageningen Agricultural University. Super¬visors: Prof. Dr. J.C. van Lenteren and Prof. Dr. M.W. Sabelis. Title thesis: Infochemicals In Tritrophic Interactions. Origin and function in a system consisting of predatory mites, phytophagous mites and their host plants. Agricultural University Wageningen, 235 pp. M.Sc. (with honour) in Biology at University of Leiden, The Netherlands. major subjects: Chemical Ecology (supervisor Prof. Dr. J.C. van Lenteren), Ecological Microbiology (supervisors Prof. Dr. A. Quispel, Univ. Leiden, and Prof. Dr. G. Buyanovsky, Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel) Biochemistry (supervisor Prof. Dr. L. Bosch). Graduation, Marnix Gymnasium (Gymnasium-ß) Rotterdam.
Ecological Entomology